Monthly Archives: March 2010

End of the Month Tournament

I am very happy today. Yesterday, for the End of the Month Tournament, I did well in pattern competition- I went in a group with JP (2nd dan), Eric (1st dan), Patrick (2nd dan) and Cassie (3rd dan.)I won against JP (split decision) and for 1st and 2nd place I lost to Cassie- but that was also a split decision! Wow! I got a split decision against Cassie- Master Bosse’s granddaughter who has really good patterns and is great at sparring. At least I am getting better- and I’ll keep working on my patterns so maybe I will win next time! And also for sparring I went against Cassie, who’s feet I am usually sacred of during sparring, and I wasn’t scared- I went in on her and did good, though my technique could have been better. Cassie won that, too, but I did well against her and Cassie didn’t think that she’d won.

So, yay! I’m getting better!

I’m Learning Free Sparring Pattern # 11/ Black Belt Free Sparring Pattern #1!

Hello, Taekwon-Doins! I am learning Free Sparring Pattern #11, or Black Belt Free Sparring Pattern #1. In case you readers take Taekwon-Do but not at the Las Vegas Taekwon-Do Club, the Free Sparring Patterns (Or Free Spar Patterns for short) were created by Master Park and the Young Brothers Taekwon-Do Associates. As far as we know, Master Bosse is the only person left in the world that teaches them. He teaches 10 of them, and you learn one at each belt up until black stripe, but there were originally 13 patterns. And I am very fortunate to be able to learn number 11, meant for 1st dan black belts! I am about halfway through the pattern (I’m on number 7 of 13 movement groups)and it is really fun and cool!

In case you are wondering how they go, they consist mostly of kicks with punches at the end of each series of movements, and they are patterns to learn alongside the regular patterns (Chon-Ji, ect.) They too have you end where you started from, and they are full of great combinations of kicks that, unlike quite a few of the combinations in the regular patterns, are very helpful in sparring.

Also, if you know of anyone who teaches these patterns, please comment here! I’m very interested to find out if we are the only students of Taekwon-Do that learn these ‘lost patterns.’ It’s hard for me to imagine Taekwon-Do without them- testing would be way too easy for the color belts!

Another Cool Las Vegas Taekwon-Do Club Image Group

Here is a cool Las Vegas Taekwon-Do Club image that I made! Hope you enjoy!

The ITF World Cup in Las Vegas was cancelled

The World Cup was cancelled. After forever of deciding whether they would keep it or not, the ITF cancelled the tournament. All they wrote on their website was this:

“This is to inform the Members that the upcoming World Cup to be held in Las Vegas on October 2010 has been cancelled.”

I am tired of bad news on this blog! Somebody post something happy- about how they tested or something!

I hope that to make up for it, the rest of you will enjoy the Utah Cup instead.

Utah Cup 1010

On the 15th of May, 2010, the Utah Cup takes place in Salt Lake city! On this website it says the following:

Utah Cup
1st Saturday Following Mother’s Day
Venue to Be Announced
Salt Lake City, UT 15 May 2010

It has a bunch of ‘links’ to PDF files with more information, but nobody added the actual links yet. The tournament is associated with the USTF, which we are no longer a part of, but the USTF is also affictated with the ITF, which we are still a part of, so it seems we are able to go!

It makes me want to jump for joy in a kick like that guy in the above picture!

I have just been informed that the dates for my homeschool commonwealth play are the SAME as the tournament. So I can’t go. Now I feel like crying…

I hope all of you that get to go enjoy it.

Red and Black Belt Class and Whitney Ranch Saturday Class

Hello, this is just a reminder that the Red and Black Belt Class is today at the Heinrich YMCA! And also, Master Bosse has started teaching a third class at the Whitney Ranch Recreation Center on Saturdays. I am unsure of the exact time it starts, but I believe it ends at 11… when I know, I’ll post more information later. For those of you who live closer to the Whitney Ranch Rec Center, don’t miss out on the Saturday class!

A Temporary President Chosen

Since Grand Master Tran Trieu Quan, last president of the ITF, passed away recently, Grand Master Pablo Trajtenberg has become the acting president. Here is a message from the current president that was posted on the International Taekwon-Do Club website.

Dear ITF Taekwon-Do Community,

I address you in a moment of profound sorrow for the ITF Taekwon-Do world, due to the demise of our late President, Great Master Tran Trieu Quan, who in such tragic circumstances lost his life, leaving a void impossible to fill.

In spite of everything, his work will endure among us, that of a democratic ITF, provided with a solid structure, and endowed with great achievements and projects.

I cannot help but think on the fugacity of our existence, such as our founder, Gen Choi, expressed upon creating the 24 patterns. In the same way as he once departed, leaving us his legacy, it is now my turn to take over the position that GM Tran leaves and which someone else will eventually occupy.

This fact proves our maturity in understanding that we as individuals are only passengers and that it is the institutions which last.

I have the same determination as my predecessors to carry on leading our beloved ITF to the highest rank ever achieved by a martial art, in the belief that this podium is reserved for ITF Taekwon-Do.

I have the clarity to realize where we are headed to and I will give my utmost capacity to fulfill that determination.

At present ITF has a team made up by a solid Board, willing to work together in close harmony, with our Charter ahead of any personal interest. No obstacle will possibly be able to block this capacity.

I hope that all of us shall put in our effort and that each one may give our very best to lead our dear ITF and therefore give back a fraction of all that the wonderful Taekwon-Do has given us in the course of our lives.

There is no better way than this to honour the memory of our Seniors. I will be in Quebec on March 21st, where a memorial will be held. This shall not be a farewell for GM Tran but a living promise that master Quan will forever inhabit in our hearts.

With all my affection.
Pablo Trajtenberg
Acting President

PS: I wish to share with you the message read at our beloved President´s funeral.

Dear friend Quan, I have come from Argentina to bid you good-bye and I believe also on behalf of many countries, for all of ITF sadly says farewell. I was fortunate enough to share with you a long way in Taekwon-do and in the course of these years I was captivated by your inspiring and visionary style, always ahead of the times and provided with your unique style which led you to conquer the Canadian sportspeople first and later on the whole world.

You were one of the chosen few to share numerous trips with Gen Choi Hong Hi and to nourish on his teachings from the source and along that path you deserved and obtained one of the awards that extols one of your most endearing values: that of loyalty, of which you were always an example in your way of being and in your impeccable way of acting.

You were a precursor of democracy in Taekwon-do and one of the first to understand the difference between verticality in the gym and consensus in the administration of institutions, which you defended as a pioneer and convinced the Gen to apply as an instrument of justice in the world of Taekwon-do and for which we must thank you so much, to have taken our ITF to such high standing.

It was your fate to become the successor to the founder, our dear Gen, and you knew how to lead our institution during all these years with such passion and endeavour as in each of the projects you undertook.

Not always did everyone understand you but your work survives as the greatest project launched in Martial Arts, for you had the vision that only a great leader possesses, who knows where he is headed to. Now it is my turn to take over from you and I promise that we will keep along the course that you set for us, the way of honesty, of teaching values through the Do, for which you worked so hard be cause you always understood that it is useless for anyone to learn how to fight if he does not have the necessary ethics that leads to a better society.

How much we shall miss your mastery, dear friend Quan.

May your family know that you will live forever in the heart of those who love you.

Art, ITF and the world bid you: TAEKWON.


As for the World Cup in Las Vegas, the decision still has not been posted if it will be canceled or kept.

ITF World Championships 2009

Senior Sparring:
Here are some adults sparring.

Above are a few videos from the ITF World Championships 2009!

Taekwon-Do Books

Lost your Taekwon-Do book? Don’t have one yet? Take Taekwon-Do at another place, and not at the Las Vegas Taekwon-Do Club? Never fear, because you can now read the Taekwon-Do books online for free here!

There are currently two books in the series, one being about testing and one about Step Sparring and Releases. The testing book tells of all the testing requirements, the answers to questions, and which techniques you will learn next up until your 1st dan black belt test. The Step Sparring and Releases book shows how to do the Step Sparring and Releases we practice at our class. If you do not take Taekwon-Do yet, the Ultimate Taekwon-Do Testing Book has a lot of Taekwon-Do information, if the LVTKD website does not include something you are curious about. Enjoy!