Monthly Archives: October 2009

How To Post On This Blog

For all of you new bloggers, here is how to post on this blog.

Click on ‘post’ in the upper right corner of the main page.
You will be taken to a screen which shows a few pictures. The b and the i are for italic and bold letters. The ABC with the check mark is for spell check; click on the words in red to fix them. If there are none, then you didn’t misspell anything. the picture of the earth with the paper clip-like thing is for inserting a link. Highlight a word, and then click on the green earth and type or copy and paste your link. Click on the picture to add a picture. There, you can get one from your computer (this takes a while to load) or copy the HTML on an image from the internet (like in Google images- click on the image you want, see full size image, and copy the link above) You can write more in your post while you are waiting for a picture to appear. On the picture of the movie slide, you can upload movies from your computer. They can’t be over a certain amount of MB, though, I think over 100. If you want a movie from YouTube, copy the code on the YouTube page and paste it inside the post. If you want, you can add tags to your post. Click on show all to see the ones already added to other posts so you can add your post to the same categories. If there isn’t a category that fits your post, you can make a new one. All of this is optional. When you are done, click on Publish Post!
Hope this helps!

Why I Like Taekwon-Do By Gabriel Age 6

Me with other students being taught on our first day of class

Me above

I’m Gabriel, I’m six years old, and I am a white belt. I take Taekwon-Do at Mt. Charleston. Here is why I like Taekwon-Do.

It’s awesome
It’s fun
I love it
It’s the best I ever did

Some of my favorite things to do at Taekwon-Do are…
One step flying side kicks
Jumping front kicks
Running up the wall ten times
Doing patterns- I like all the ones that I know
Sparring (I am allowed to spar even though I am a white belt because there is an uneven number of people)
Taekwon-Do is so cool! I love it!
I like so much I am never ever going to quit until I am an old old man!

Happy Halloween at Mt. Charleston!

Above Image: A Made in Photoshop Las Vegas Taekwon-Do Club Jack O’ Lantern.

Today we had Taekwon-Do inside, because there was snow this morning and that it was so cold this afternoon. Our new Mt. Charleston do-jang is the garage of a large house. On one wall there is a Korean flag and an Amercian flag, as well as the ITF tree, the lVTKD logo, and a Taekwon-Do drawing with General Choi in it. Since it is inside, we have a mat to do Step Sparring and such on, as well as our WaveMaster bag and pads to hit. Since this is the last Mt. Charleston class before Halloween, Master Bosse had us do the Trick-or-Treat line. We all walked in a line and passed a chair with a box of candy on it; we took three sweets and kept walking until we desired to stop. Everyone dropped their candy inside their do-bok shirt! Tommorow at the YMCA, we will do the same thing.

Attention all LVTKD Taekwon-Doins! The End of the Month Tournament is tomorrow (Thursday the 29th of October, 2009) at the Heinrich YMCA! Anyone from any of Master Bosse’s LVTKD classes can attend, and they can have fun sparring, doing patterns, and Trick-or-Treating! Want even more candy? If you win 1st, 2nd or 3rd in patterns or sparring competition, you can win some as your prize! Since this is only a Las Vegas Taekwon-Do Club tournament, we don’t win trophies or medals, but that doesn’t make it any less fun, exciting, and thrilling! So even if it’s just for the candy, don’t miss the End of the Month Tournament at the YMCA! Be sure to bring your equipment!

Taekwon-Do Trivia

Did You Know…
-A Taekwon-Do Martial Artist is called a Taekwon-Doin? (said by General Choi in the Encycopedia of Taekwon-Do)
-Taekwon-Do means ‘the way of the hands and the feet?’
-Taekwon-Do was deveoloped into maturity in the 29th infantry division, which is why the pattern Hwa-Rang has 29 movements?
-You need a certain amount of classes to test?
-Being a black belt does not mean you are a master of Taekwon-Do?
-You get a black stripe on your do-bok pants when you are a 4th dan black belt?
-Taekwon-Do’s birthday is April 11th, 1955?
-General Choi Hong-Hi’s birthday is November 9th, 1918?
-Master Bosse has been teaching for over 45 years?
-There are 1,000 total techniques in Taekwon-Do?
-The ‘Block’ in Four-Direction Block’s meaning is to block out any obstacles which are preventing you from achiving your goals?

Pretty interesting, huh? If you are a student of Taekwon-Do already, you probably knew most of, or all of, the above information. If you are interested in taking Taekwon-Do, you’ll learn even more things about Taekwon-Do during class. If you get really into it, Taekwon-Do can become a way of life. If you want to learn more about Taekwon-Do, visit the LVTKD website and check out the FAQs and the About Taekwon-Do pages.
For more Taekwon-Do information, try reading the Ultimate Taekwon-Do Testing Book which is avaible for free through Master Bosse, and the Encyclopedia of Taekwon-Do by General Choi Hong-Hi, or Taekwon-Do: Condensed Encyclopedia which you can buy online, sold at the Taekwon-Do Times site.

Taekwon-Do Documentary


Free Spar Patterns 1-10

Free Spar Patterns 1-10, Joe Bosse

Red and Black Belt Class Oct. 24th

Yesterday was the Red and Black Belt class. Red belts, black stripes, and black belts of any degree from all of the LVTKD classes meet for a special class at the Heinrich YMCA, which is free. Master Bosse had us do all kinds of fun stuff, like flying over chairs, kicking the pads on the wall, breaking boards, having a Four-Direction Punch, Block, and Chon-Ji competition, practicing patterns, push ups, stretches and more! It is held every second and fourth Saturday of each month,from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. always at the YMCA in either the main do-jang basketball court room or the exercise room upstairs if the court is unavailable. The classes are simillar, but never exactly the same.

If you’re a red belt, black stripe or black belt already with LVTKD, you definatly shouldn’t miss the Red and Black Belt class!

Taekwon-Do at Mt. Charleston

This is first post on the LVTKD blog. I’m Patricia, one of the students at the Mt. Charleston Taekwon-Do classes, but I started at the Whitney Ranch and then practiced at the YMCA. What’s it like at Mt. Charleston? At the Mt. Charleston Taekwon-Do classes, which are on Mondays and Wednesdays, we begin the class with the Student Oath, which is followed by warm-up exercises. We then go on to practice our patterns and Free Sparring Patterns. Later, we free spar each other, or occasionally break boards.
Our do-jang? Our do-jang is out back of the Mt. Charleston lodge, our floor the wood-chip covered ground, and we do the Student Oath facing the beautiful mountain view. When it snows, we will practice inside. The class is currently small, but the students we have really enjoy the classes, enthusiastically doing side kicks on the wall and jumping off and punching, and having a blast when sparring each other. The younger children cheer when told they are going to break boards. General Choi Hong-Hi (the founder of Taekwon-Do) says: ‘Anywhere Under Heaven is Do-jang,’ we can train in Taekwon-Do anywhere, anytime, no matter if it’s at a YMCA or at your house, in a basement or in a training hall. And this goes to show you that Taekwon-Do can be practiced anywhere, even all the way up at the amazing Mt. Charleston.